Sorry, I was just fueled with rage. But your original comment is pointless. You haven’t watched it. You do not have any need to comment on this situation, so your comment is just a waste of web space. (That’s what I should’ve said first)
^ You DO know that sequels of this nature is nothing new. Many long running cartoon shows have follow ups that are not only marketed to include a younger audience but generally run shorter and utilize a chubi art style compared to its predecessor. Tom and Jerry had the Tom and Jerry kid show; The Flintstones has the Flintstones kids; Sabrina Teenage Witch had a cartoon where’s she’s 12 and not 16; Scooby Doo did an even wacky version of the show with A Pup Named Scooby Doo with a core trait of Fred being obsessed with accusing the same kid over and over.
TTG didn’t invent this.
“People like me merely state the facts”
What facts are those? Your opinion as truth? You speaking for everyone in the fandom? The claims about how bad a show is with lines pulled from somewhere else?
Just joking around, mate. Nothing personal. It’s just that this thread is a dumpster fire.
Also you say you haven’t watched Pony Life and yet you’re so happy to judge others who like it. To be honest, you’re probably not old enough to have a derpibooru account, aren’t you?
You can’t be taken seriously as an ambassador of taste if you like Sonic ’06. At the very least Pony Life is free of glitches and runs smoothly.
It’s not only that. It’s the fact that they are quite literally duplicating the Teen Titans Go formula, down to its animation style. I dare you to make a comparison between G4 Rarity and Pony Life Rarity. I GUARANTEE YOU that you will find many character traits missing from Pony Life Rarity.
While on the topic of making direct comparisons, lets compare an episode of FIM to Pony Life. Do that and you’ll immediately notice the episode plot structure has been replaced with bad jokes, puns, and slapstick. The character’s never grow, never change, always the same extremes.
If they had created a whole new cast of characters and thrown them into Pony Life, I may not have been so harsh on it or even against it, hell, I may have even liked it! But the fact that the character’s I knew and loved have been rendered into hollow shells of their former selves makes me hate the show.
That being said, everything I stated in that gif with the exception of like 3 statements would still apply…
Excuse me? This fandom can not dictate what you like or dislike. People like me merely state the facts. If you don’t wanna listen to them then leave this image thread and don’t come back but don’t attempt to portray any and all who restate these facts and point out everything wrong with Pony Life as people “dictating what you can like or dislike”.
Yes, we aren’t allowed to defend what we want or enjoy what we want. This is literally the entire mantra o this fandom, being run by cynical purists who would tear your head off the very second you like what they deem as “unworthy” to them.