The gang’s all here! Starlight Glimmer has a new posse of friends! :iconstarlightcuteplz: Sunburst Icon Twilight Sparkle (yes) plz Pony Trixie Lulamoon Happy Emoticon. Emoticon — Maud Bedroom Eyes
Of course, for all these ponies to come together wasn’t what Starlight initially had in mind when her foalhood friend Sunburst came to visit her in Ponyville. She was excited with the opportunity to spend time with him for the first time since their childhood, like practice magic and play games; she even bragged that she had more in common with him than any other pony in Equestria. However, Sunburst had little interest in their old activities.
And to make matters more uneasy for Starlight she discovered that Sunburst had more in common with her other friends. First, when two childhood pals went antiquing at the Ponyville antique store (an activity Starlight barely had any interest), they ran into her former enemy/mentor of friendship, Twilight Sparkle. It was then she and Sunburst began to bond over their shared interest in antiquing, causing Starlight to feel left out. At the Castle of Friendship, Twilight and Sunburst asked Starlight what she wanted to do, and Starlight took out her and Sunburst’s favorite board game from when they were little: Dragon Pit. After an afternoon of playing, Starlight helped Sunburst get settled in. She tried to discuss what they’ll do together the next day, but all Sunburst can talk about is how well he and Twilight get along. Even to the point where he said that he and Twilight have more in common with each other than any other pony in Equestria.
The next day, Twilight was busy with her princess duties, so Starlight had hope that she could spend time with Sunburst alone this time. She took him to see Sweet Apple Acres, and while Starlight demonstrated some applebucking she learned from Applejack, they bumped into Starlight’s next best friend forever, Trixie (although one of the apples Starlight bucked out of a tree “bumped” on her head). The magician offered to show the two a new escape trick she had been working on. Unfortunately for Trixie, the trick didn’t go well, prompting Sunburst and Starlight to assist. Unfortunately for Starlight, Sunburst expressed an interest in stage magic, and he unexpectedly bonded with Trixie as well and they shared stage tricks with each other, causing Starlight to feel left out again. Later that day, Starlight took Sunburst to see the Mirror Pool, and they ran into her latest friend, Pinkie Pie’s sister Maud Pie, whose new cavern home is connected to the Mirror Pool’s chamber. As Maud continued her geological studies, Sunburst joined her, having a moderate interest in geology as well. And again, Starlight felt left out and left.
Starlight began sulking, worried that Sunburst now had more in common with her friends than he did with her. Twilight told her that everyone changes over time and that they still have a common interest in magic. This seemed to give Starlight an idea. Some time later, she showed Sunburst in the throne room a new spell she invented, which recreated their childhood by turning the room into their old childhood home and reverted themselves to the size of foals so they could relive their foal days of playing Dragon Pit together. Sunburst felt uncomfortable with the lengths to which Starlight was going to spend time with him, forcing Starlight to undo the effects of her spell and leave in tears, convinced that Sunburst no longer wanted to be her friend.
Sunburst consulted with Twilight on the situation and claimed, even though he gets along well with Starlight’s friends, the two old friends still had plenty in common. Of course, when Twilight advised him to remind Starlight of what those things were, he consulted Trixie and Maud about what they have in common with Starlight. And it was then, he discovered that he doesn’t have the same things in common with Starlight that they do, like Starlight and Trixie’s troubled pasts and Starlight and Maud’s shared feeling of being different from others. To make it up to Starlight, Sunburst, with help from Twilight, Trixie, and Maud, put together in the castle library a life-sized version of Dragon Pit. Starlight was touched by his gesture and joined in. Just before Sunburst returned back to the Crystal Empire, he and Starlight agreed that they can still enjoy each other’s company without having much in common. And they still do, especially with their new friends.
While I was on my hiatus, I was coming up with a new idea for another MLP group pic. Then, I was thinking about Uncommon Bond, and I thought I could make a group pic of Starlight’s special friends posse. This motivated me to make a vector of Sunburst. However, before I could submit this, I wanted to include Starlight with each of her friends (except Twilight, but that will be for another time). However, after I made the other pics and way after I made this, I wasn’t pleased with the standard rainbow background. After fiddling around with Starlight’s color, I think this is the closest to what I had in mind. Not bad I think.
Starlight Glimmer by me
Sunburst by me
Twilight Sparkle by me
Trixie by me
Maud Pie by me
There’s more to come, so get ready.