Does not make him innocent and I frankly wouldn’t trust any of them if they bend rules to protect their own.
Theres a point where you have consequences, and Discord is a spoiled twat who’s had more effort then any other character, and more free passes then anyone else.
I’d outright tell them to either practice what they preach and stop playing favorites, and risking entire countries for they’re spoiled ego trips and “lessons”, or next time I’m bringing popcorn to laugh at them getting whooped by a big bad.
@Beau Skunky
Maybe not, but he betrayed their trust, and this time, the ramifications were far worse than when he sided with Tirek. And yet, he was still quite easily forgiven in the end. If it had been me, he would be a statue, too. His believability as a true friend and developed character were both destroyed as far as I’m concerned.
@Brass Beau
Nah, that tag implies that the picture is depicting something that’s normally considered dark and immoral, and this pic is not one of them. It’s just the famous Last Supper picture but with pony characters.
@Yet One More Idiot
I think I actually did see somebody draw the Disney version of “Alice in Wonderland” characters in a “Last Supper” painting way. It was pretty good.
I understand that. and agree, but what some people don’t realize is that doesn’t just apply to the religious.
I’ve actually had to deal with both religious fanatics, and atheist fanatics alike. I rarely discuss religion here, but regardless even one guy here kept pestering me, and sending me links to atheist sites trying to “convert” me to atheism. And as I pointed out atheist-fanatics overreacted over an old MLP episode before, as well.
Fanaticism can apply to any faith, non-faith, ideal, mindset, opinion, or even fandom. Heck, even fanatical-bronies exist.
It’s the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party! Discord is Hatty obvs, and I think Dashie is the March Hare. Spike is the Dormouse… not sure who the others would be, but of course Princess Twiglet herself must be the stand-in for Alice! xD
@Beau Skunky
I see what you mean, but couldn’t tell if you were really agreeing with me. Not to derail this any further, but there are some people who will take things like this to the next world, not level. I never knew about that Pinkie Keen stuff, but then again there’s a lot I’m not familiar with about the community because I’m mostly to myself.
@Beau Skunky
There are some people who can be rather extreme, insistent or way too serious about their religion. You can think what you want but force others to think alike. But overall, be nice.
Anyone ever told you you have some serious talent? Suddenly, I want a semi-humorous ponification of the entire Passion narrative. And that is a sentence that I never thought I would type in a million years.
@Conversed Corruption
I did see that, (and I agree, he’s in no place to speak for every christian here) but I was just trying to specify not every christian, or religious person in general is easily offended by things like this, like how he is acting.
And yes, I’m well aware of that, I even pointed out many religious animated sitcoms spoof or criticize religion, especially christianity. (You did read that, right?) In fact, alot of ‘em spoof other types of people, as well.
And I even pointed out there’s nothing here in the image even really mocking christianity, so I was just pointing out I think he’s overreacting, as well, something I was agreeing with you on.
@Beau Skunky
You’re misunderstanding the point. The guy was acting pretty arrogant in the comments about his faith playing the “No swearing on my Christian Minecraft server” card, expecting everyone to show respect to the original painting of the Last Supper and Christianity in general. You did read those right? Not gonna happen so easily. If he’s a believer he needs to be fully aware that mockery, persecution, and humiliation of the Christian faith will happen daily was my entire point and getting offended over this does not help him. Correct, this shouldn’t bug many Christians. Many iterations of this original art are everywhere.