"[@Communist Starlight":](/images/2236031#comment_8747037
Actually, me and-~~the boys-~~ my loyal companions tried to figure out who is who near a month ago. After a short brainstorm we found out next roles: Magnus - Twi (because both are f[spoiler]||yay[/spoiler]|| greatest psykers), Russ - AJ ('‘cuss...…meüd), Hunn - Rd (reason - speed and loyalty, even against self'’s wishes), Vulkan - obviously Fluttershy, Fulgrim - Rarity (because both canon and fanon are pretty sure of their...…khm, "“free time activities"” and their character basics), The God Emperor - Tia ('‘cause...…no alternatives). Luna is quite arguable person. On the one hoof we have "“moon stuff"”, betrayal, one comeback (even if Horus remained dead after all) and, maybe, role. On the other hoof - Luna'’s mind kept old order all theese years (like Siggilite kept memory and souvenirs of old Terra); Malcador was almost (I'’m not saying that he actually was) Emperors brother, judjing by their...…friendship?; If i remember it right, Malcador was a strong psyker and (I can be wrong) Thunder warrior, while Luna had -~~(and still HAVE, because of Multiverse)-~~ very strong magical powers and fought with all those ancient Chaos worshippers (like Sombra) by Celestia'’s side. But let'’s move to Pinkie. Well, if I learned something about Pinkamina, that she is a ninja, can see future and one hell of a chaos daemon. So I'’ll pick Conrad Curze or Apharius, or Corvus. Her situation is too Pinkied. Now, let'’s blitz others. Cadance - Saint Celestine, Shining - let'’s go with Creed, Chrisy - Hive mind, CMC - first captains, Comrade Glimmer [==-...…Guilliman?, Trixie -==] Cat-o Sicarus, Spike - not Ahriman. "“New Mane Six"” is too heretical to be there. Villians...… I need some time to think about that.
Purging by His will!
Actually, me and