> You know I'm surprised Bobthedalek hasn't jumped on the "Luster Dawn is Sunburst and Starlight's child" headcanon yet.[/bq]
I'll admit, I do really like that canon and have wanted to draw it since the finale.
However, I've also wanted to let the dust settlesa little to save myself being spammed with the screencap of Big Jim's tweet! I respect people not accepting the idea, but the constant arguing about it in almost every image of Starlight+Sunburst+Luster Dawn really put me off for a while.
> You know I'm surprised Bobthedalek hasn't jumped on the "Luster Dawn is Sunburst and Starlight's child" headcanon yet.
I'll admit, I do really like that canon and have wanted to draw it since the finale.
However, I've also wanted to let the dust settle