AJ- Likes to get up early. -NO
Rarity - Too high maintenance and I don't care about fashion. - NO
Pinkie Pie - I just don't have the energy. Would probably gain a lot of weight and have rotten teeth. - NO
Fluttershy - So cute she almost wins but ... the animals. Angel had a point about her taking so much time with them. - NO
RD - Likes sports,naps and adventure books. Just tell her she's great everyday and you're golden. Winner!
Rarity - Too high maintenance and I don't care about fashion. - NO
Pinkie Pie - I just don't have the energy. Would probably gain a lot of weight and have rotten teeth. - NO
Fluttershy - So cute she almost wins but ... the animals. Angel had a point about her taking so much time with them. - NO
RD - Likes sports,naps and adventure books. Just tell her she's great everyday and you're golden. Winner!