@546 Horsepower
They have literally just made season 10 as a comic. It is a continuation of season 9, and is not actually part of the standard comics line.
For the lore, I’m hoping to see some of the comics lore incorporated into the show. It was always a shame that they weren’t under DHX.
The relationship between the show and comics have been complicated. They basically say “If it’s not contradicted it’s part of the universe.” Now that there’s nothing left to contradict I don’t know what the writers are going to cover or do.
@546 Horsepower
That is understandable honestly. IMO, the successor series or series plural won’t do that. It will either be genuinely good, and it will be very nostalgic to see how much of FiM is carried forward, or it will be cruddy and it will just make FiM look better by comparison.
Plus season 10 is literally the tenth season. The only real difference is that it will be on page, not on TV.
Were all the pictures in this already made and can be found elsewhere, or were they made just for this video? Where can I find the pic of Shining fellating himself (0:14)?