How would it be naive? She was literally offering Chrysalis to go back to being a queen and no one else was objecting it. She was literally offered redemption by practically the entire main cast. Twilight was not trying to reason with Cozy whatsoever nor did she offer her a chance. She only asked why once then expressed some dissapointment before being reassured by her students. That was all. No chance, no reasoning, nothing. She in no way tried to reform her.
Aside from the fact that maybe keeping Chrysalis in power isn’t the best idea, it’s naive because Chrysalis was a proud queen and she wasn’t going to be won over by the ponies and their ideology just because they beat her by force. As further episodes show, Chrysalis views friendship as a force that corrupted her hive and changed them into a degenerate state and Chrysalis wanted nothing to do with that. What it all comes down to is you can’t force someone to change, they need to come to the conclusion that they should change on their own.
How is asking someone why did they something NOT reasoning with them? She also wasn’t expressing disappointment in Cozy Glow, she was apologizing to her for failing to teach her friendship correctly. Again, it goes back to the fact that unlike the other villains, Cozy Glow was given the chance BEFORE she did the thing. You think Twilight is just going give Cozy Glow her job back after she proved herself to be untrustworthy? What do you think she should have done instead?
How is asking someone why did they something NOT reasoning with them? She also wasn’t expressing disappointment in Cozy Glow, she was apologizing to her for failing to teach her friendship correctly. Again, it goes back to the fact that unlike the other villains, Cozy Glow was given the chance BEFORE she did the thing. You think Twilight is just going give Cozy Glow her job back after she proved herself to be untrustworthy? What do you think she should have done instead?