> In the Pre-Equestia Era, year thirteen [fifteen] twenty-two, Abraxius the Bold did... [muttering] ...ooh, a bunch of boring stuff... [muttering] ...for a really long time. Okay, I know history is important, but I never learned any of it, and look how I turned out.[/bq]
First time in the show they've ever stated an actual year.
Note: MLP Wiki's transcript says thirteen, but it's definitely fifteen.
I mainly wanted to post this because of dem cute winglets on Bifrost and Summer.
TagZombie: AC15, Atk +8
> In the Pre-Equestia Era, year thirteen [fifteen] twenty-two, Abraxius the Bold did... [muttering] ...ooh, a bunch of boring stuff... [muttering] ...for a really long time. Okay, I know history is important, but I never learned any of it, and look how I turned out.
First time in the show they've ever stated an actual year.
Note: MLP Wiki's transcript says thirteen, but it's definitely fifteen.
I mainly wanted to post this because of dem cute winglets on Bifrost and Summer.