@Background Pony #42C6
Are you saying you would do the same as him to benefit a close friend?
@Background Pony #42C6
I’ve seen it and he’s still a villain in my eyes. Also, during his time as Grogar, he broke two of those villains out of Tartarus (without the Princesses’ permission, mind you), brought another into said fortress against her will, and revived another just to send him out knowing he would die again. After that, he used said death as blackmail for the other villains to comply as well abuse them with his own magic if they ever spoke up. You can’t use “good intentions” as a shield against these sort of actions.
That doesn’t excuse the fact that he manipulated four villains into doing this plan. In fact, our heroes only called him out on making a giant mess and not for the potential lives he put at risk and the fact that he’s using this morality boost as an excuse to use and abuse these villains into complying with his plan. Is being ruler of Equestria really all about how many bad guys you can beat up or destroy. There must be more to it than that.
@Background Pony #42C6
So what you’re saying is that the Princesses and the Mane Six were in the wrong to get angry and call him out on his plan?
@Background Pony #2C35
As I said in another post, if you had a friend who was going to become leader of a company/country, but was nervous as all hell to do it and the only option you had to boost his confidence was to emotionally manipulate some criminals to their downfall with empty and hollow promises of revenge/money/power, would you take that option?
You mean he’s not the the well-intentioned extremist he claims to be in the actual episode?