I wll be Her in the 16th September watch out i will be the United States of America no mather you like her or hate her id like to be very much with 80s as far as i was with 30s now it will be a time with not only 80s but also 60s and 70s and also 80s yep i will be much more with the Vietnam the war that America failed it to win but woned WW2 in both Europe and Asia also also lose Korea and Vietnam during the Cold War.Plus his hair look like shes from 80s or something i will be Adagio Dazzle on 16th september this year and the 6th Doctor also shes in par with 7th Doctor because both are manipulative but the jacket reminds me of 8th Doctor from Dark Eyes also by Big Finish no need to put very much DW reference im so excited to be her on 16th september.