"[@northern haste":](/images/2067744#comment_8491185
So far. We will see how things go, but at this point, it is so far out it is unlikely anything has been planned for after the movie. From what I have read, Hasbrodoeplans MLP isn 3 year stretches.
2019-21 is one of these, and covers the end of FiM, the introduction of something new, and the new movie. Not sure when they will plan the next 3 year stretch.
Memer and adventurer
So far. We will see how things go, but at this point, it is so far out it is unlikely anything has been planned for after the movie. From what I have read, Hasbro
2019-21 is one of these, and covers the end of FiM, the introduction of something new, and the new movie. Not sure when they will plan the next 3 year stretch.