yeah, sort of like how blue mare finds herself feeling gratified at red mare’s predicament, but looking kind of apologetic for her shadenfreude, like she’s trying not to smile. it’s a very internal sort of expression.
but it’s a little impossible to be sexually attracted to someone, without thinking about them, rather than yourself. so mostly it’d have to be denial and avoidance, internal conflict stuff.
right, she wouldn’t quit expecting to be turned back into a stallion. she just legitimately hates the maid uniforms so much, she would rather try her luck elsewhere as a mare, than stay employed at the castle.
I like like the first one and now the second one cause she look as cute as the first guard to maid one ;) and I love the color and the plot of both of them o/////o so cute…hope tia keeps this up cause i’m enjoying this she should teach me how to do that magic so I can do that to myself and others~count ziltromon ps love your work princess celestia :)
And then finding out that you leave your current job, not your old job, so she’s kind of stuck until she can eat a sufficient amount of crow to get her maid job back, with aspirations of returning to guard duty–a promotion that always seems to get denied at the last possible moment.
This is The Increasingly Frustrating Tale of the Maid Mare.