Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Gate Crasher on image #1875966

Gate Crasher
Economist -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters

Not to mention exploring space is, quite literally, an fruimpotlessibility. You can explore what is in the void, the vacuum, but to explore the vacuum itself is endless and just desolate. I couldn't imagine floating in space, not knowing my actual direction or orientation, and seeing nothing but endless darkness flooded with light. The planets are far more interesting than the depressing fascination of emptiness that is space itself.

I could only imagine how it would feel. I believe I would feel insignificant and pointless. And indeed, everyone is in the hypothetical eyes of the universe. However, to feel such an emptiness is... somehow liberating.
No reason given
Edited by Gate Crasher
Gate Crasher
Economist -
Happy Derpy! - For Patreon supporters

Not to mention exploring space is, quite literally, an impossibility. You can explore what is in the void, the vacuum, but to explore the vacuum itself is endless and just desolate. I couldn't imagine floating in space, not knowing my actual direction or orientation, and seeing nothing but endless darkness flooded with light. The planets are far more interesting than the depressing fascination of emptiness that is space itself.

I could only imagine how it would feel. I believe I would feel insignificant and pointless. And indeed, everyone is in the hypothetical eyes of the universe. However, to feel such an emptiness is... somehow liberating.
No reason given
Edited by Gate Crasher