Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #E75A on image #1810669

Background Pony #E75A
"[@Background Pony #5121":](/1810669#comment_7403649
Wait wut?
I swear my only comment on this upload is "Speaks for yourself"

The other bp who has different name/ip in the comments below isn't me.

>stop trying to make a fight

I didn't, what are you talking about?
Ask "[@genervt":](/1810669#comment_7403656) to stop instead. He's constantly replying to others who like this episode.
He keeps spamming and his
only defense is "I'm not on tantrumy because this eprisode is garblagem"  
If i
t's other epsidoes that hsome don't like but he does, he will respond "it's just your opinion" ammnd that's it.  
ning Dust?.

. All over the place.
Get over yourself, and stop assuming things.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E75A
Background Pony #E75A
"@Background Pony #5121":/1810669#comment_7403649
Wait wut?
I swear my only comment on this upload is "Speaks for yourself"

The other bp who has different name/ip in the comments below isn't me.

>stop trying to make a fight

I didn't, what are you talking about?
Ask "@genervt":/1810669#comment_7403656 to stop instead. He's constantly replying to others who like this episode.
Not my problem that he keeps spamming.

Get over yourself, and stop assuming things.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E75A
Background Pony #E75A
"@Background Pony #5121":/1810669#comment_7403649
Wait wut?
I swear my only comment on this upload is "Speaks for yourself"

The other bp who has different name/ip in the comments below isn't me.

>stop trying to make a fight

I didn't., what are you talking about?
Ask "@genervt":/1810669#comment_7403656 to stop instead. He's constantly replying to others who like this episode.
Not my problem that he keeps spamming.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E75A
Background Pony #E75A
"@Background Pony #5121":/1810669#comment_7403649
Wait wut?
I swear my only comment on this upload is "Speaks for yourself"

>stop trying to make a fight

I doidn't. Ask "@genervt":/1810669#comment_7403656 to stop instead. He's constantly replying to others who like this episode.
Not my problem that he keeps spamming.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E75A
Background Pony #E75A
"@Background Pony #5121":/1810669#comment_7403649
Wait wut?
I swear my only comment on this upload is "Speaks for yourself"

>stop trying to make a fight

I don't. Ask "@genervt":/1810669#comment_7403656 to instead. He's constantly replying to others who like this episode.
Not my problem that he keeps spamming.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #E75A