GrapefruitFace Archives
Not my fault that Equestria Girls don't have many interesting males that I can ship her with, the closest is Spike and he's a dog. Flash is ok, but still a bit boring and Timber is normie trash who doesn't deserve a intelligent beautiful nerdy girl such as Sci-Twi. Actually i'm thinking of putting Sci-Twi with Mutahar from SomeOrdinaryGamers as Jeff already as Octavia Melody but i do have a soft spot for this ship since Jeff wrote a song called Twilight and refers to Twilight and shit in his songs, along with nerdy sci-fi stuff. But i would like to have a constienticy and Jeff and Octavia is a cool ship that i like as they work well in a band and they can make love after doing live shows to relax. DJ-Pon3 can also watch as well. Though people do have multiple parents over a life time, even Lynne so Sci-Twi could be before he set up ELO with Octavia and Vinyl.
Also the picture itself could just mean that Sci-Twi likes Jeff Lynne as a celeb as i think she would be a girl that would listen to ELO, just ignore the description and enjoy the image.
Grapefruit Face out. peace.
Not my fault that Equestria Girls don't have many interesting males that I can ship her with, the closest is Spike and he's a dog. Flash is ok, but still a bit boring and Timber is normie trash who doesn't deserve a intelligent beautiful nerdy girl such as Sci-Twi. Actually i'm thinking of putting Sci-Twi with Mutahar from SomeOrdinaryGamers as Jeff already as Octavia Melody but i do have a soft spot for this ship since Jeff wrote a song called Twilight and refers to Twilight and shit in his songs, along with nerdy sci-fi stuff. But i would like to have a constienticy and Jeff and Octavia is a cool ship that i like as they work well in a band and they can make love after doing live shows to relax. DJ-Pon3 can also watch as well. Though people do have multiple parents over a life time, even Lynne so Sci-Twi could be before he set up ELO with Octavia and Vinyl.
Also the picture itself could just mean that Sci-Twi likes Jeff Lynne as a celeb as i think she would be a girl that would listen to ELO, just ignore the description and enjoy the image.
Grapefruit Face out. peace.