@Background Pony #B515
What do you mean? Her voice barely sounds anything like Dash’s voice, her voice is just as close to Dash’s voice as Starlight’s voice is.
0:02 Yeah, but you’re the princess of FRIENDSHIP!! It’s your job to ease ponies in to talking to you!!!
It’s part of your charm!
Besides, you were a unicorn once too, you know??
0:07 Yeah, not like those annoying toff mares who think just because they are part of Canterlot and wear the princess dress, they think they can strut, scoff and wear heavy makeup like a diva in the limelight!
0:09 C’mon, I see you eat like a happy pig at Hayburger!! What kind of princess does that!!??
@Chuy Ryu
Twilight on magic reads a lot and is only seen practicing once in the six season.Also Starlight in season 5 final, dodge lightning when use her body, but Twilight made only force fields because she always follows the book. While Starlight practices more magic and reads just enough. Then how Twilight could keep up the step of a fight?
As hilarious as this was, it was also a nice bit of foreshadowing at how Celestia too is just a pony and doesn’t behave regally all the time. The main difference between Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight is that the former has been the leader of Equestria for a thousand years, while the latter became a princess just recently. Also, Twilight has always been very humble, so it’s only natural that she would insist on everyone treating her no differently from before, even after she became a princess.
And while Twilight may not be as regal as Celestia, she still has the makings of a true leader, which is all that matters.