Man, first time seeing one of those was downright creepy.
Radscorpions, Ghouls, even Deathclaws…
You expect those.
But not essentially walking coffins.
If I can recall correctly, Puppysmiles was an adorable combination of these Trauma Override Harness skellingtons and the Ghost People from Dead Money’s Sierra Madre, with sugar and spice and everything nice mixed in for good measure.
yes they were actually. But i have to say that these enemies are fucking badass! There needs to be a mod that makes a wearable version of the trauma herness.
Man, if there’s one thing that creeps me out, it’s skeletons in spacesuits or something similar.
I don’t know why, but there is something EXTRA freaky yo.
The best part for me was that I made an Intelligence - 1 Courier with maxed Luck and Charisma, and with her heart, spine and brain goind AWOL, everything she did at the Big MT was perfectly in character.