Heeeeyyy. AH here. I’ve decided to start something called QuikShips. It’s basically quick fanart of every shipping in the MLP universe. As you know, this will take some time. XD
Also, I will make a small portion of fanfic that explains the picture and can be continued on by someone else, with permission. If you want to continue on th story, note me about it, and where you want to go with the story. And so, without further adieu, here it is.
“Are you sure it’s going to work?” Chrysalis hissed.
Twilight laughed, throwing her purple mane back. “Of course it will work!”
Chrysalis growled. Spike sighed, placing a claw on her dark shoulder. “Don’t worry, Chryssy. It’s going to work. I promise.” Chrsyalis relaxed her shoulders and lowered her head.
“If you say so, Spikey,” she agreed, looking affectionately at her dracine husband.
Twilight fiddled with the dials of the machine, making a few last adjustments. “Okay,” the unicorn said, running a hoof through her disheveled mane. “It’s ready.”
Spike took Chrysalis’s hoof and led her carefully to the mirror. “What will happen again?” Chrysalis asked anxiously.
“We will walk through the mirror and we will become two-legged creatures called humans. The mirror has been modified to turn me one I walk through. Then we’re going to relax in that world for a few days for our honeymoon okay?” Spike squeezed her hoof and walked into the mirror.
“Oh god, what happened to my hooves?!” Chryslais screamed.
“Shh,” Spike whispered, turning around. “You’re going to attract attention… oh my.” His face turned red as he stared at the human Chrysalis. “You’re… you’re beautiful. Well, you were already beautiful, but, more beautiful. Yes, more beautiful.”