Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Ihhh on image #1580927

Duck - Likes to sockpuppet for drama
Duck - 1104243, just... 1104243
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

"[@Background Pony #0CF0":](/images/1580927#comment_8508666
Directors in television do not play the same roles as they do in film, and directors in animation do not play the same roles as they do in live action. Besides, jim works in canada, and all the writers work in america.
No reason given
Edited by Ihhh
Duck - Likes to sockpuppet for drama
Duck - 1104243, just... 1104243
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

"@Background Pony #0CF0":/images/1580927#comment_8508666
Directors in television do not play the same roles as they do in film, and directors in animation do not play the same roles as they do in live action.
No reason given
Edited by Ihhh