“I can’t say I’m….satisfied with how this turned out. Doing lineart just gets harder and harder, and tends to make things look a bit weird. But, I guess it isn’t the worst of what I’ve drawn and I wanted to draw a human Tempest for a while.
So basically Tempest is all serious and “scary” and her cute and sweet Fizzlepop side is showing (her real name) and I just found it a bit funny if Tempest secretly had a super cute tattoo that she hid from the Storm King. The situation is some of the guards enjoying a tea party with pink heart aprons because they took over Canterlot and were using a tea set they found laying about, and they get caught by the Storm King and he of course gets triggered. Meanwhile Tempest smirks and winks at Grub as she points to her adorable laughing heart tattoo. Pretty much the situation that played through my head while drawing this…
Tempest Shadow/Fizzlepop Berrytwist belongs to Hasbro - Lionsgate - My Little Pony the Movie
Art is by me who is still working on how to draw humans….”