@Background Pony #65FC
Some folks just headcanon that the power of love or some magic shit with the original seeds made it so instead of turning into another dangerous swamp fever tree, they turned into harmless apple/pear trees united by love.
i think you are forgetting the part of the disease where “the afflicted turn in to the vary trees that drop the disease spreading flower” those dont look at all like the aforementioned trees
I still hadn’t watched that episode about AJ’s parents, I just didn’t want to ruin my headcanon.
But this… This artconvinced me to finally watch it. Thank you mkogwheel.
Here’s how I see it. They somehow caught it and went to see if the doctor could cure them, upon realizing that there was no cure they either told their kids that they were dying due to the disease and told AJ and Big Mac to take care of Applebloom and told them about the intertwined tree or they just went off and died in the swamp that the trees grow in or a place far away where they won’t be able to infect their kids
If you think it’s cold, well, considering that they’re dead either way, this way is sweet and would you rather they got some other much more painful disease? Or were ripped screaming limb from limb by some monsters?
Now I realise this is a very weak headcanon; even if swamp tree and apple/pear tree got mixed together, every traits of swamp tree vanishing(i.e. vines, flowers) would be impossible, even with Earth pony magic sprinkled into it. And if earth pony magic was strong enough to suppress swamp tree’s growth, they wouldn’t have caught the swamp fever and turned into a tree in the first place
I guess I should be glad this headcanon is weak since turning into tree would’ve been too cruel for AJ’s parents’ fates