Diamond and Dazzle have been reunited, but how many degrees of separation still keep them apart? The court case of course seeks to pull Dazzle away from Diamond, and Dazzle’s newfound delusions have made him gravitate more toward Silver, but there may be more to it than that. Diamond’s been separated from Dazzle for about a week, and I think it’s no secret that she’s missed him terribly. Dazzle was almost certainly the same way, but it would seem he found a coping mechanism to latch onto. Now Diamond’s back with Dazzle, but she doesn’t seem to be latching onto anything. If anything, she’s seeping deeper into her loneliness. Is her legal obtainment of Dazzle going to be sufficient in tidying up that messy mane of hers? I suppose we’ll find out.
Poor Peal, though. Came all this way just to get banned.