Background Pony #8798
> Tends to happen with pony villains, **mares especially**. Murdering Discord, Sombra, and Tirek doesn't seem as much of a problem, compared to Moon, Chrys, and Starlight. (EG is a separate case, I suppose.)[/bq]
And yet we pretend we're "progressive" just because now we allow girls to kick ass.
Equality is just as much of a joke as it was before, its just on the opposite direction now.
Its just that most people either don't care or don't notice until it affects them personally in some way.
Just look at how Tempest Shadow is received compared to, say, Shadlowlock back then. The basic design wais salmost the similarme, yet people immediately shat on him before they even knew anything about him. And most people will be very effective at making up excuses as for why its different, and totally not because one has a vagina and the other doesn't.
> Tends to happen with pony villains, **mares especially**. Murdering Discord, Sombra, and Tirek doesn't seem as much of a problem, compared to Moon, Chrys, and Starlight. (EG is a separate case, I suppose.)
And yet we pretend we're "progressive" just because now we allow girls to kick ass.
Equality is just as much of a joke as it was before, its just on the opposite direction now.
Its just that most people either don't care or don't notice until it affects them personally in some way.
Just look at how Tempest Shadow is received compared to, say, Shad