@Prof.NightJack @Background Pony #3FD3
If I recall, Big Jim had mentioned before than even though Faust is no longer with the show, they still attempt to follow her ground rules as much as they can (without upsetting Hasbro, of course). So far, I don’t see any reason why they can’t stick with Faust’s explanation that the Apple parents are dead but they won’t directly mention that in the show.
They are not dead, they’re simply in Elysium, growing fields of apples and pears. They go out for runs with Applejack’s first puppy and Apple Bloom’s goldfish that totally just swam away.
Guys, they are dead it’s over, the answer has been given. I know that they didn’t tell you exactly how they died but come on no kids show (for kids this young anyway) is going to do that. At this point, I think I’m going to consider anyone who tries to deny it a troll.
There are probably lots of things she said, that the show staff and Hasbro don’t consider canon anymore.
True, they might be dead, but, clearly, not very many ‘kid’ shows can say that sort of thing, despite death having been a thing that Sesame Street addressed.
lauren faust clearly said they were meant to be dead, only that it will never be directly talked about in the show.
Also look how each pony talks about them, it’s clear they are talking about a dead friend