Celestia and Discord not trying to kill eachother in this series but not being friends, doesn’t count as legitimate chemistry. Its actions that count, and last action he did was yawning at Celestia being abducted.
I was Dislestia shipper too back in 2012-2013. When i thought Discord was that mature and mischivious bad guy and just acted immature to throw peoples off, they did had potential as ex lovers and ex enemies. Somehwat like how people ship the main villain in Star Vs Forces of Evil with main protagonists mom.
But after S3, it’s clear that Discord is more of a lost child and not mature enough to fit with Celestia. She’s like an older teacher in a classroom, while he is a troublemaking student hiding behind his class mate Fluttershy while Twilight is the teacher’s pet. You can draw a line toward him and other students, but no longer with the teacher pesonality.
Why not go with personalities, like how Discord’s mischievous nature can work with Celestia’s, from what we’ve seen from both Gala episodes and A Bird in the Hoof, as well as her desire for Flutters to reform him naturally instead of using Twi’s spells to reform him, like the ones Discord ate before Twi prepared them, as well as Celestia encouraging Discord’s behaviour in Make New Friends, with stuff like Discord giving Celestia a nickname or their familiarity during their first encounter in the flashback of Princess Twilight Sparkle for possibility being bonus points. Not perfect, but still enough of a connection for there to be something.
Again, I don’t care about who you ship, just don’t try to piss on other peoples’ ships just because you don’t agree with them.
I think its more shallow to base shipping on 2 second interactions or because they have similar age or size. Rather than actual chemistry and interactions.
So you ship characters just because “it’s canon” or popular? That’s pretty shallow.
Also, I doubt this is about the canonicity of the ship, just a shipping joke, like the one I suggested with Flash and Twi. Stop taking things involving Discord and shipping so seriously.
Well this image was made by discoshy shipper to make fun of Dislestia in canon. You should had expect to get your headcanons challeneged. I personally don’t ship non featured pairings. I would ship Soarin with Fluttershy if they had episodes together and Discord with Celestia if there was actual spark with them rather than very hard reaching and headcanons. But for now i enjoy his ship with Fluttershy and Twilight and possibly with Trixie if it get popular.
Fluttercord is the name of the ship, not them as friends. If you’re referring to their friendship, than be specific. As for the possibility of the ships, they’re there for both ships, like Celestia being the one to task Flutters to reform him or her inviting him to the Gala and being excited about him causing trouble, or Shy being the one to reform him or Shy being Discord’s best/main friend. Again, I don’t care if you ship them, just don’t try to convince me to join your ship.
Also, I ship Shy with Soarin and Mac with Marble, so canon means nothing to me.
I said that their actual bond is canon (which is), not that their romance is canon. But the fact that the prospect of Fluttercord being canon annoy you so much speak a lot for yourself. What will you do if it become canon in the future? Will you drop the show or burn the comics and dvd like shippers of Naruto and Sakura? You should dettach yourself from dislestia and not treat it as something serious if you want to enjoy Discord episodes in the future.
As for shipping wars, i see TwiCord as the only actual rival for Fluttercord in the story, and even then is very flimsy. Dislestia, FlutterMac, FlutterDash are non-issues.
Fluttercord has canon bond featured on the show time line. Celestia shares her only episode with Luna and has more “evidences” with Sombra or even Thorax than Discord. Saying “heh at least Discord still didn’t kiss Fluttershy so we have a chance” while ignoring his every episode so far since S3 is a FlutterMac tier of trying to keep the ship afloat.
From what I’ve seen, it’s a popular ship, and is just as canon as Discord/Flutters. You can also see it as Celestia being protective of Twi in a non-romantic sense, if you want.