Viewing last 25 versions of comment by WTF_IT_HAS_BECOME on image #1442816

My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

You still don't examine any type of aliance with zombies? You and your sister don't love me, but let me in anyway. It's damn, drama... We are in total despair after exile into moon for next millenium. Why you would destroy Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, if she would probably surrender? I am nice to both of you anyway. No dreams and anything for me, however I wish you happy end with all my mind ❦
No reason given
My Little Pony - 1992 Edition

You still don't examine any type of aliance with zombies? You and your sister don't love me, but let me in anyway. We are in total despair after exile into moon for next millenium. Why you would destroy Nightmare Moon, Daybreaker, if she would probably surrender? I am nice to both of you anyway. No dreams and anything for me, however I wish you happy end with all my mind ❦
No reason given