Officer Hotpants Literally3HitlersInACoat"[@BigBadSeed":](/1436932#comment_6130152 ) Narrated by Luna, no doubt. Complete with Daring Do-style Safari jacket and pith hat.No reason given Edited 7 years ago by Officer Hotpants
Officer Hotpants Literally3HitlersInACoat"@BigBadSeed":/1436932#comment_6130152 Narrated by Luna, no doubt. Complete with Daring Do-style Safari jacket and hat.No reason given Edited 7 years ago by Officer Hotpants
Officer Hotpants Literally3HitlersInACoat"@BigBadSeed":/1436932#comment_6130152 Narrated by Luna, no doubt.No reason given Edited 7 years ago by Officer Hotpants