Correlation does not equal causation. It is well known that the reason for the decline in ratings is due to discovery family's terrible practices. Remember that the primary demographic, the one's who give most of the views, are little girls, and as we all know, young children are far less critical than adults and far less likely to stop watching a show over the introduction of a character who is only controversial among the fanbase. Also remember that the decline in ratings happened near the middle of season 5, prior to starlight's reformation, and remember that starlight never had any *real* appearances in season 5 outside of the premiere and finale, so even the correlation you pointed out is false.
Correlation does not equal causation. It is well known that the reason for the decline in ratings is due to discovery family's terrible practices. Remember that the primary demographic, the one's who give most of the views, are little girls, and as we all know, young children are far less critical than adults and far less likely to stop watching a show over the introduction of a character who is only controversial among the fanbase. Also remember that the decline in ratings happened near the middle of season 5, prior to starlight's reformation, and remember that starlight never had any *real* appearances in season 5 outside of the premiere and finale, so even the correlation you pointed out is false.