In my fantasy It’s more of a mutualistic relationship without too much of a belly. However, Thing BlossomThing regularly asserts her dominance in playful and sometimes humiliating ways. I’m currently writing a story about Blossomforth and Thingpone who both exist as insanely advanced organisms that can modify their bodies into almost any biological configuration. My story is more emphasized on the sci-fi aspects and disturbing, detailed descriptions. It isn’t really a pure clopfic but it regularly gets into the fetishes. There will be a part in the future where Anon and Blossom will explore the kinky ways that Bloss can use her body. I am really into mare-dom where Anon is helplessly dominated by a loving superior organism. That story is actually my first ever attempt at a fic but I have improved dramatically since I started so the later chapters are going to be much better than the first. I think the bad first impression has lead to a lot of downvotes and just the general topic itself but I do it mostly as a hobby and as an outlet for the eldritch abomination insanity/kinks that exists in my mind. If you want to try reading it, there’s a link to my fimfic in my profile page.
Great story! Thank you for it. Got a title for it?
This my fetish, and I love it even more when it’s combined with dominance and romance.
In these types of (my) fantasies, she always makes him walk around with a massive belly; it’s like showing off her trophy to her and makes the anal vore and their relationship as visual and concrete as possible and shows off that she owns him and has made his body hers. He’s her incubator/vessel. She’s forced him to be pregnant with her, and he serves her now, and he knows he couldn’t fight their arrangement even if he wanted to, and he totally accepts and loves her being in control and his total powerlessness against her and feeling and seeing his massive belly periodically contort into different shapes.
Warning: clop >Anon tries to swallow a french fry.
She blocks his esophagus with her goo and grows a miniature head on top of a tentacle that sticks out of his mouth to scold him and holds up a half chewed french fry with a goo tentacle.
“Honey, what did I tell you about the junk food? I know I spoiled you for a bit by digesting your excess junk food for you instead of letting you digest it yourself but I need to teach you good habits, so I’m putting my tentacle down. I’m only going to allow you to eat healthy food, from now on. You’ll get to eat some treats but only in moderation! I’m getting tired of cleaning up after your mess and digesting all that extra junk food you eat.”
Anon grumbles a little, it’s hard to talk with your waifu sticking herself out of your mouth.
“Oh, don’t be like that, Anon!” She swings her miniature face around to Anon’s ear to whisper. “I’ll give you a super special combined prostate, anal sphincter, and taint deep tissue massage that I’ve been working on if you cooperate! “
To punctuate her point Octavia (Thingpone) sends a few tentacles to gently apply pressure to his sensitive prostate and grope his muscular anal sphincter with a soothing massage pressure. She also gently prodded the part of his penis shaft buried within the pelvis near his anus.
“And, if you’re really good, I’ll add in what I know you love the most.” A large tentacle slides smoothly out of Anon’s anus and slithers past Anon’s scrotum and balls tickling them in the process. A vagina mutates into existence on the tip of the tentacle. Being an amorphous creature that can transform into a full fledged pony, Octavia Thingpone has proven that she can place whatever ponylike features she wants on her body. She gently slides her moist, wormlike vagina over Anon’s now erect penis and gives his dick one or two muscular squeezes and then tantalizingly slithers back inside his anus.
Anon’s poor penis is left denied in an erotic show of dominance on Octy’s Thing’s part. A whining noise appears from Anon’s throat.
“Ah-ah-ah! You have to earn your reward! I think you’ll find that reward much more enticing than comfort food!”
With a small kiss on Anon’s comparatively large cheek. Octavia Thing slid back into Anon’s mouth and down his esophagus, showing her mischievous love by squirming within him in a pleasant way.
In muh headcanon, It’s actually Thingpone that lives inside his digestive system. She acts as probiotic bacteria and assimilates the parasite bacteria/fungus that tries to invade Anon’s colon. She keeps anon very healthy and even acts as an immune system for his colon.