“It will look awesome,” they said. “It’s perfectly safe,” they said. This was the last time Applejack would listen to Pinkie and Dash for marketing ideas. She certainly wasn’t going to give them the cider they were asking for in exchange for making this stunt happen.
Okay, it had been thrilling. From above she had seen the crowd gathered at the farmhouse for the start of cider season. She could hear them gasp and cheer when the big red apple shape had inflated in the air above the orchard, the green banner at the top like a leaf at the stem, the words “Sweet Apple Acres Genuine Cider” emblazoned in bold across its face. It certainly looked fantastic from her perspective, and she knew it looked great from the ground. Rarity had outdone herself making both the canopy and this costume. The crowd had gone nuts when they recognized it was her riding this flying apple to the ground. She could see the amazement in Applebloom’s eyes.
And she’d seen that amazement turn to horror, and she’d realized the wind had changed and she wasn’t going to land in the clearing in front of the crowd; she was coming down right in the middle of the orchard.
She was lucky these were younger trees without terribly sturdy branches, or else this might have really hurt her. As it was she had scratches and bruises, leaves in her hair and crushed apples under her butt. She was more worried about the damage her landing had done to the trees. And how hard was it going to be to untangle the canopy from the branches?
Applejack sighed. She could hear her brother and sister calling her name, running towards her. She was going to need help to get untangled, herself.