Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Terminal Rex on image #1317147

Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I've seen plenty of monthly action orientated comics with absolutely beautiful backgrounds. This issue took place in the castle of the two sisters right? It feels like they wasted the setting. There's no atmosphere, awe or sense of antiquity and hidtory that the place has previously exuded.

At the most, we got grey walls and cobwebs.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex
Terminal Rex

Going Indognito mode..
I've seen plenty of action orientated comics with absolutely beautiful backgrounds. This issue took place in the castle of the two sisters right? It feels like they wasted the setting. There's no atmosphere, awe or sense of antiquity and hidtory that the place has previously exuded.

At the most, we got grey walls and cobwebs.
No reason given
Edited by Terminal Rex