RushCars24ID %~This is probably will be my OTP, I guess, after viewing many ships I can find. Sure, their character designs looks so good, what else I could want?% ~Kiss '‘n’ Bliss from the Generosity\!No reason given Edited 2 years ago by RushCars24ID
RushCars24ID %This is probably will be my OTP, I guess, after viewing many ships I can find. Sure, their character designs looks so good, what else I could want?% Kiss 'n Bliss from the Generosity!No reason given Edited 2 years ago by RushCars24ID
RushCars24ID %This is probably will be my OTP, I guess. Sure, their character designs looks so good, what else I could want?% Kiss 'n Bliss from the Generosity!No reason given Edited 2 years ago by RushCars24ID
RushCars24ID If RaKinbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pi'nkie Pie, and AppBlejack saw this : The girls embafrrassed and Georgem Takei's "OH MYYYYY" intensifies. If Spike saw this : He gGets a crush and erunos away while crying in tears.y!No reason given Edited 4 years ago by RushCars24ID