I was afraid of this image for a very long time. For some reason I hated it so much, yet now and again I wounded up drawing myself to it no matter how long I’ve kept myself from it. Almost like a drug. I don’t know if it’s my moral compass making me despise it or whatever, but I just couldn’t quit it. I don’t even feel good after returning to this image no matter how much I want to like it.
@The Last Reviewer
Huh. Well, I personally prefer her black coloration as it adds to part of her character, but can’t shame a person for trying something new.
And I’m guessing it’s been a while since you last saw that movie, since pulling a Dread Pirate Roberts would actually involve setting things up so that swapping or not swapping doesn’t matter.
@Scrounge That’s why you pull a Dread Pirate Roberts, swap out your burger with a clean one, and slip her your own burger with some heavy shit she’s not immune to. Like, purified aphrodisiac, salvia, and a paralytic agent.
Also, this is Chrysalis we’re talking about, so the burger probably has date-rape drugs in it. (Not sure what someone would use to spike a burger, but that’s not really the point.)
I suppose it would depend on the quality of the burger compared to the quality of the steak. They would have to be presented together to make a proper decision. In a perfect world, they would both be of a high quality and you could consume them both in the same meal, alternating between the two until you get to the last piece of both of them and you finish them both off at the same time.
@Neko Majin C
She’s a princess; that’s akin to the owner of the steak owning a chain of steakhouses.
… The metaphor’s kinda falling apart at this point. ‘Sides, is it really worth having one burger compared to having nearly-endless steak? You eat that burger, you won’t get any more steak, and that Burger ain’t gonna have any trouble finding other… consumers.