Poor Marble, cursed with a behind that’s too shapely for ’roomy’ space. At least we know it’s genetic (I can only imagine how stout Grandmother Pie must’ve been, XD), though I still like to think that Marble’s a little on the pudgy side, like her twin, Pinkie. Her getting stuck frequently might just be a new headcanon for me now. XD
@Haruka Takahashi
I just find it funny and odd how Cloudy was able to fit but Marble wasn’t. At least we know it’s genetic and not her fault, poor girl. XD
The Curse of Sexual Shenanigans, normally seen only in harem anime and certain sitcoms. Of course, given how the Choosing Stone is meddling in the Pie family’s affairs…
I may repeat myself too often, but Pencils really does draw a lot of detail when it comes to pony butts, hooves, and everything else about them.
Accidental incest seems to happen a lot with the Pie family.
Cloudy Quartz must find it relaxing to not have to talk in Modern English/Old Equestrian all the time. If I had to speak that all the time I’m sure I’d forget how to converse normally.