Deletion reason: Rule #6 - Please keep your comments apropos the image - please read, and FOLLOW, our rules if you want to be allowed to use this site in the future.
Or if Sonata’s hair had been restyled by splitting her ponytail in a couple of long pigtails for a similar effect (like Judy’s ears in her reference pic).
About this guy, I hope this time he gets the message and we don’t see him again for a while (I mean seriously, nearly half of the comments for this pic are now deleted for being either his spam or people berating him for it. How dense do you have to be to still fail to take the hint that your shit’s not welcome here?)
I know rule 6 says “please use reports, not comments”, but I have exhausted my allowed number of reports on all this spam, so there’s nothing else to be done.
In regards to the image though, it’s super cute. I feel like a pair of bunny ears would really complete the cosplay though.
@Background Pony #107A
At least Sonata’s been name dropped in his “story”. Doesn’t make it good, but it’s still somewhat related to the picture, I guess (even if I can’t make heads or tails of most of it).
Edit: I see it got R#6’d anyway. Not sure if that was necessary, but I’m not gonna complain about it (not like it’ll be missed).