@Ipsi Please. The show doesn’t “belong” to bronies. I think it’s just acknowledging that adults like the show, too. You know, that parents might actually be watching with their kids, too. Freaking Sesame Street did a Game of Chairs parody awhile back, and it doesn’t mean that Sesame Street “belongs” to adults. That’s ridiculous. It means that kids have parents.
BRB, going to aplogize to Apple and California Girls singer because people at DHX were so thoughtless as to jump on the bandwagon of the time and parody their works.
I’m sorry, but seriously, where’s the problem you have with this?
It’s pandering to an extreme degree, I’d agree, but it’s poking fun at a concept and a concept alone. No need to be a stick in the mud about it.
@Background Pony #0DF8
I’m not saying that. Not even close. Im asking “Hey… What’s so awesome about this?” And I’m saying why I think this is actually lame.
@Seabridge Drive
This isn’t parody. This is ripping off. At best it’s ridding the bandwagon. Parody has commentary about why something is worthy of being parodied.
Ok. I get that they expect the older audience to look at this and recognize it. Heck, it worked exactly like that. But I don’t know that “needed” is the right word. I don’t think anyone looked at the cartoon and thought that it was great adult entertainment and that they’d stop watching it if it didn’t show a ponified GoT ad. I don’t remember the show catering to a mor mature audience exactly when it attracted the adults and young adults who watch it.
I get that this is a joke, but I much rather see something that actually is MLP. Specially when all the scenes in MLP that come close to looking like GoT are also the lamest things in this cartoon because the two concepts couldn’t be farther one from the other and someone at Hasbro panicks if Twilight punches Tirek.
It’s pandering to the older audience, if mlp was still for kids I don’t think this promo would be needed. In fact ep.100 would of been different too. The promo people know the show belongs to the adult fans now. Their the ones who keep the mlp franchise alive.
Also I think GOT is also going for s6 and mashed them together
This is why non bronies hate us, we ponify everything we touch
Man… I love MLP. I like Game of Thrones. Even though I spent much more time with the books than the tv series. When it came, I was already bored of the whole thing, but I totally get why people like it and I think that it’s deserved.
But looking at this I think it’s just some silly gimmick and it just seems (TO ME!) a bit pathetic. “Let’s copy this popular thing instead of making our own, with its own personality.” I don’t know who made this and I know it’s supposed to be funny, starting with the fact that the two are so different, and that all comedy shows get this sort of thing.
I see fans doing this all the time, but when some official material comes like this, it just makes me feel sad and ask “Why?”
I saw people in another forum saying that this got them hyped up for season 6. What is the thought process?
welp, this fandom has more of five years making scenarios with incest, treason, royal murder plots, fraticide, canibalism, and since season 3, holocaust and gobal war.
Yup. I think the show it´s actually catching up our steps.