This piece, entitled ‘Truth of shadow’, was intended to have a poem that went with it, the first stanza of which, as you can see, is included in the image itself. Unfortunately my Surface-Pro, which I do all of my drawing on, pulled a Hindenburg, and is now at the local Microsoft store having its entrails removed.
I was able to pull all my Word Documents & photos off of it, but unfortunately I lost all of my OneNote Notebooks, in which it had been written, and I had been meaning to transfer onto a Word doc, but never got around to, meaning the poem’s pretty much gone forever. (It also means I’ve lost ALL OF MY NOTES since the beginning of the school year, and have to completely restart an english paper I was already in the middle of writing, yay)
So, context is for the weak tag for now, if the poem comes back to me, I’ll try and write it down, if not, then this images description will end riiight…
[Here is the poem as far as I could remember, there may have been an additional stanza in the middle somewhere, but I don’t remember, and as far as I do, this is pretty much the same.]
“Truth of Shadow:”
By: The CLaUD:
No matter where I go,
No matter what I do,
Down every beaten path I walk,
My shadow follows too.
She follows me most everywhere,
Through sun or in the shade,
And warps the one I really am,
A false persona made.
Through love or laughter, she is there,
And tries with all her might,
To keep all my true feelings down,
And wait until the night.
The things she says, I don’t believe,
They’re not at all like me!
The things she does as well, with,
I could not more disagree.
A mere façade, a fakery,
Is what she’s made my life,
We walk down to the bakery,
On the blade of a knife.
Though she’s not who you might expect,
Not wrathful or repressed,
No, I’m the shadow in her life,
So wholly unexpressed.
Yes, she’s the one you saw around,
So glad to be alive,
And I’m the one she kept deep down,
Who made her take the dive.