Just for reference of anyone who might still care about this or, alternatively, find this later, this is not intended as a what-if scenario or a similar point-of-divergence AU -- the idea is of switching around the roles, and pony races, of various male-female pairings. For instance, this is the companion piece to
Other pairings include (for example)"[the pegasus guard Twilight":](/1059582?q=alternate+gender+counterpart) and "[the alicorn prince Flash Sentry":](/1059432?q=alternate+gender+counterpart), "[the chaos spirit Fluttershy](/1098078) and [the timid pegasus Discord](/1061019), [the aspiring wonderbolt Soarin'":](/1058053?q=alternate+gender+counterpart) and "[the professional athlete Rainbow Dash":](/1061020?q=alternate+gender+counterpart), and "[Rarity":](/1060721?q=alternate+gender+counterpart) and "[Fashion Plate":](/1061017?q=alternate+gender+counterpart), for whom I could not come up with snappy descriptions.
Other pairings include (for example)