The term CIS really only exist to people who have a “warped” view of the world…so I’m just gonna stick with reality and not take much from that page.
It’s sad because a lot of the non-staw feminst are cisgendered (at least I am…). sighs This is why I don’t even log in on tumblr… (I only use it for porn anyway!( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
I thought they loved that transgender stuff. But if so I guess I shouldn’t even bother trying to understand the tumbler crowd. It would like trying to decipher the crayon scriblings of a three year old high on various narcotic substances.
@Ascendant 2.0
Well all my “inklings” into tumbler gave me the impression the initials stand for “confident in sexuality”which their usage of compares to a derogatory term . I stated before that “sexuality” and gender are different things though highly connected but I guess to the deluded tumbler SjW that use such terms probably don’t care much.
What? From all the tumbler speak I believed that CIS meant “confident in sexuality.” Which is what some call sexual orientation.Gender is a different thing since it’s about your biological sex male or female.
@Ascendant 2.0
Yes I’m sure there are some people, a significant amount in fact who are Confident in their sexuality(if you listen to the more extreme tumbler SJW everyone who is CIS is “evil and ignorant” because their adhering to the evil status wife or some garbage)
@Ascendant 2.0
It’s all up to perspective of the individual as it always is and how the individual allows his or her view to be taken by society in the subtle (and not so subtle)war of the ideas and concepts that has always existed in human society .Wrong,right in the end the result society picks will probably please nobody but a few at best as is the result of many controversial issues in history….but their is always the chance for improvement.