I like to believe that, instead of being embarrassed, they’d worry if they were making us uncomfortable. Being nude wouldn’t be a problem to them at all.
Actually, walking barefoot for longer time makes soles of the feet more resistant to damages, and unless you step on glass or walk on contaminated ground, it’s relatively safe. In my grandma’s days, kids would walk around barefoot 24/7 in rular regions and they never had any problems because of that. It actually has its health benefits, like leg muscles working in a more natural way when walking, less sweating etc.
@Background Pony
There’s one more thing you haven’t considered, though– ponies have hooves, and for a human, Equestria would probably not be any better of a place to take a barefoot stroll than the real world. Our poor fleshy bodies unfortunately look hilariously awkward when wearing nothing but a pair of shoes.
I’m pretty sure Equestrian society would be more open-minded about such problems. Since every stallion’s erection would be visible to everyone and every aroused mare would be seen winking, they would probably be okay with this happening to a human as long as it wouldn’t be at fillies.
The best way for a human in Equestria would be to just fit in and not wear clothes when not necessary. You think that if you were walking around in the middle of hot summer with at least 50% of your body covered, you wouldn’t look like a weirdo to everyone?