Offscreen Master Luna: “Legend tells us… that the true Chosen Twi… will bear the mark of infiinite wisdom. Twilight opens her mouth
Pinkie tonguey: “YAY YAYYYY!”
Master Luna: “What in Tartarus’s name is that thing?”
Chosen Twi: “She seems to be the reason I’m pursued.”
Master Luna: “There are so many things I’ve yet to understand. Does it have a name?”
Chosen Twi: “Pinkie.”
Master Luna: “I should not have asked.”
nice :3
Twilight opens her mouth
Pinkie tonguey: “YAY YAYYYY!”
Master Luna: “What in Tartarus’s name is that thing?”
Chosen Twi: “She seems to be the reason I’m pursued.”
Master Luna: “There are so many things I’ve yet to understand. Does it have a name?”
Chosen Twi: “Pinkie.”
Master Luna: “I should not have asked.”