At first i loaded the trailers, but then i shifted to working the belt. Taking packages off the belt and walking them down to the right trailers, being as neat and swift as possible. I earned between $110 and $150 a week, depending on how many hours i actually clocked in, which seemed pretty good to me.
Though i’m probably not the one to ask. It was my first job.
It’s…definitely not a glorious job. Most of what I do is dig through trash that people bring in and sort out recyclables and hazardous materials (batteries, fiber/paperboard, cans, etc.) and send the rest to a biomass facility. I’ve been working there since I was 15 and I’ve developed a pretty strong stomach in the…
tries to math *
Almost 7 years I’ve been working there.
What did you do at FX? I had a friend who did a little time working a delivery truck there and he said the pay sucked. Or was that UPS? Can’t remember.
I wanted to say that working at a landfill sounds like a crappy job, but if it pays well i guess one can’t complain too much. Fedex paid well too in my opinion, but it was a job that required far more strength and endurance then i possessed.
Well when I just started working there, it used to be Mon-Fri, but unfortunately I am a junior manager at a landfill in a city who’s population whined endlessly to the council because they couldn’t get rid of their trash on the weekend, so we ended up getting moved to the weekend with our days off separated. I’d quit and find a job with better hours but I actually get paid quite well so it’s not really worth it.
So do I, butI’d still rather work Monday-Friday than Tuesday-Sunday. Thankfully I get Thursday off from my full time job but I work part time that day (and on rare occasions, Monday), but it’s a fun job so I don’t mind.
I’d personally like to have at least one weekend day off so I could meet up with my friends from back in school (at least the ones that haven’t run off to college or whatnot) more often, I’m the only one who works the weekend so we don’t see much of each other anymore.