Y’all do know these genders aren’t just a tumblr thing, right?
That stuff like bigender and agender have been around for a long ass time?????
If y’all wanna get on tumblr for it’s issues of mob-mentality and lack of fact checking, that’s one thing, but real people have these genders and sexualities.
Ah, alrighty then. I’m not sure if we actually need terms like these, but of course there are still people in this world with different views on sexuality.
Thank you for explaining what all three terms, by the way. c:
@Nightmare Fuel
I’m not super great with this stuff but here’s what I have gathered these mean from what I’ve read.
biromantic= Basically you find both sexes romantically attractive but not really sexually, basically you would date someone of either sex but not have sex with them.
polysexual= It’s considered more inclusive than Bisexual, which some people feel excludes Transgendered individuals, but doesn’t include every possible gender which Pansexual does.
bigender= Someone who identifies as both male and female
Now I may be off on some of these, as I said this is only what I’ve gathered from Tumblr and the like.