Tbf, I only intended to leave one comment, but I read it again and I felt like I worded it very poorly so I just went with a more on the nose approach to appease myself about how much I disliked my original comment
You know compared to other characters that have been added to the show Marble was fairly tame yeah she had no character besides shy but it’s not like the episode focused on her so she wasn’t taking anything away and the idea that Futtershy is the only one in the show allowed to be shy is stupid she can’t have a monopoly on that.
She doesn’t talk either so she can’t say anything stupid like other characters do so all in all I don’t think she was that bad that she garners two comments in a row about how much she is hated.
>Distant relation going back tens of generations with some ancestor who’s name they can’t even clearly verify well enough even with the help of a family historian to determine whether they’re actually related because the relation is so ridiculously distant
The most Cheerilee and Mac showed that wasn’t love poison was walking together and Cheerilee’s little swoon thing at the Ponytones show. Marblemac actually had them being bashful around one another and Pinkie herself supporting it hard.
Also ffs at that point even if there was a relation it’s drifted to the level of two strangers in the same town.