Nostalgia Nerd
Rainbow Dash her Birthday, and it was one of the biggest Birthday parties in Ponyville with balloons, banners, songs, ice sculptures and more. Rarity rubbed an big, cloud shaped, red, shiny and Rainbow Dash cutie mark printed balloon against balloon scared Spikes spikes on his back for 4 hours non stop by an stage as the ampihibina felt the soft balloon skin rub against his spikes. Applejack rubbed an big, yellow, round shiny and Rainbow Dash cutie mark printed balloon against balloon scared Twilights hornk for 4 hours non stop as the horse felt the soft balloon skin rub against her horn by the stage. Rarity was after the party in the evening rubbing an big, cloud shaped, red, shiny and Rainbow Dash cutie mark printed balloon against balloon scared Spikes spikes on his back for 4 hours non stop as the amphibina felt the soft balloon skin rub against his spikes.
Rainbow Dash her Birthday, and it was one of the biggest Birthday parties in Ponyville with balloons, banners, songs, ice sculptures and more. Rarity rubbed an big, cloud shaped, red, shiny and Rainbow Dash cutie mark printed balloon against balloon scared Spikes spikes on his back for 4 hours non stop by an stage as the amp