Background Pony #3444
__Auroricorn 1__: You're the best leader ever, Violet Frost.
[*Twitch mimicking mockingly*]
__Red Wolf__: "*You're the best leader of the Violet, Frost!*" **AAARRGGGHHH!!**
Let's see YOU be best LEADER when I CRUSH that crystal horn off that fat pudgy face of yours, VIOLET FROST!!!
__Auroricorn 1__: You're the best leader ever, Violet Frost.
[*Twitch mimicking mockingly*]
__Red Wolf__: "*You're the best leader of the Violet, Frost!*" **AAARRGGGHHH!!**
Let's see YOU be best LEADER when I CRUSH that crystal horn off that fat pudgy face of yours, VIOLET FROST!!!