Background Pony #F184
[@Background Pony \#F184](/forums/rp/topics/mymc06e04-secrets-of-starlight-reaction-script-d-something-strange-in-starlight-ridge?post_id=5560971#post_5560971)
__Violet Frost__: Sunny?
__Professor__: Hehehe, hi again...
__Comet__: What are you all doing here?
__Deputy Mare__: Ugghh, saving your hineys from that flying kitty-hawk??!
__Parole Officer__: You're WELCOME!
__Sunny Starscout__: Hah! It worked! Finally! Hurry, over here!
(*Mane Six takes Violet and Comet*)
__Inspector Mare__: Now that the flying cat's outta the manure bag, mind telling us WHY you didn't mention your town was being taken over by a circus animal freak show??!!
__Professor__: Better keep this explanation short though, in case these freaks noticed that you're gone!
__Violet Frost__: I guess you discovered our secret.
__Zipp Storm__: Violet, what's going on? You can tell us.
__Pipp Petals__: Yeah, we just wanna help.
__Butler__: It's what princesses all do best!
__Sunny Starscout__: It's okay. We're friends.
__Violet Frost__: We didn't wanna tell you because we didn't wanna risk you all getting hurt, too.
__Professor__: *Yeeaaaahhh*, we kindaalready figured that out already after seeing you resisting that flying snow leapord's spell...
__Violet Frost__: Sunny?
__Professor__: Hehehe, hi again...
__Comet__: What are you all doing here?
__Deputy Mare__: Ugghh, saving your hineys from that flying kitty-hawk??!
__Parole Officer__: You're WELCOME!
__Sunny Starscout__: Hah! It worked! Finally! Hurry, over here!
(*Mane Six takes Violet and Comet*)
__Inspector Mare__: Now that the flying cat's outta the manure bag, mind telling us WHY you didn't mention your town was being taken over by a circus animal freak show??!!
__Professor__: Better keep this explanation short though, in case these freaks noticed that you're gone!
__Violet Frost__: I guess you discovered our secret.
__Zipp Storm__: Violet, what's going on? You can tell us.
__Pipp Petals__: Yeah, we just wanna help.
__Butler__: It's what princesses all do best!
__Sunny Starscout__: It's okay. We're friends.
__Violet Frost__: We didn't wanna tell you because we didn't wanna risk you all getting hurt, too.
__Professor__: *Yeeaaaahhh*, we kinda