Viewing last 25 versions of post by Background Pony #27B3 in topic MYMC05E5: Mane Smelody Reaction Script (C-ii): Jazz eventually tells the truth to Pipp

Background Pony #27B3
[@Background Pony \#27B3](/forums/rp/topics/mymc05e5-mane-smelody-reaction-script-c-ii-jazz-eventually-tells-the-truth-to-pipp?post_id=5528642#post_5528642)


__Izzy Moonbow__: Pipp! Pipp! Pipp! I found it! I found the elusive neutralizing ingredient! [gasps] Pinkthistle! Fresh from Bridlewood!

__Foster Twins__: You won't need to wear a gas mask for your entire life!

__Izzy Moonbow__: Give this a whiff!

__Jazz Hooves__: [sniffs pink thistle] Best smell I've ever smelled!

__Butler__: Hmmmm...(*HARD SNIFFING*)

WHY, this is the MOST delicate and MOST lavishing smell I had ever experienced!

So much so, that I had already forgotten what it smelt like already, so I’ll have to smell this thistle a SECOND time!


__Pipp Petals__: [gasps] This will keep the shine but erase the smell! And it's all natural! Just like I wanted!

__Butler__: Quite indeed!! *AND most importantly, I don't have to resort to masking my lab with that cheap noxious deodorant!* **You're a marketing genius, Miss Moonbow!!**

__Pipp Petals__: Awww, "Potions by Pipp" is saved!

__Butler__: **PIPP PIPP HUZZAAAHH!!!!**
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #27B3