After a night of nudity and sex, you all FINALLY go to sleep. You, however, still can’t believe what had transpired that night. Hopefully you can set things straight with your “new-found powers” soon.
The next morning, you awaken to the absence of both girls gone with the fireplace barely lit. You lean up and look outside the nearest window. It might still be an overcast of clouds but at least the rain has finally ceased. Who knows what damages you’re expected to see on your way back home. And as for work? Doubt they will be open right now. You probably assume they’re still closed until this matter blows over. You still felt a bit of a mess and decided to use the upstairs bathroom to clean yourself off. The shower was pretty clean so you get to work scrubbing the activities of last night off. You reach for the body lotion and–“Apple scented”…of course. You shrug off the pun and use it to clean yourself off. You grab a towel and return to the bedroom to collect your clothes and put them on. You start climbing down the stairs when you start hearing voices.
Rainbow Dash: And that’s about it. We passed out right on top of him.
Shimmer: Bizarre…REALLY bizarre. I may need him back home so we can test this. With that flood gone, hopefully we can bring him home.
Applejack: Ah’ve already made breakfast. Ah’ll feed him and hurry on back–
Rainbow Dash: AFTER we collected our boat that we brought up on the shore.
Shimmer: …and why did you do that?
Applejack: Ah’m so tired of hearin’ the explanation but if she hadn’t, he’d be dead.
Rainbow Dash: You’re welcome, by the way.
Shimmer: sighs Just bring him back here as soon as you can. I got to start feeding the other mouth right now. Later. hang-up